Resources Needed

Resources Needed

We are interested in Proposal professionals with experience in the Federal and commercial markets. Listed below are the skill sets that are in greatest demand.

Proposal Manager

  • Direct the creation and review of a proposal outline to be used as a key document design and control medium
  • Analyze the RFP/bid requirements against the proposal outline to ensure compliance and responsiveness to the customer’s issues and needs
  • Build the proposal compliance matrix and track the fulfillment of all requirements
  • Review completed storyboards and proposal sections to ensure requirements are adequately addressed
  • Conduct regular proposal progress status meetings and maintain the proposal schedule
  • Work with the Volume Leaders to ensure inter-volume compatibility is achieve

Senior Proposal Writer

  • Analyze RFP (specifically Sections L, M and C) to identify requirements and develop annotated outlines for proposal sections/volumes.
  • Create draft page layouts, and mockups for proposal sections/volumes.
  • Understanding of what constitutes a well-written document
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Review customer request and understand all the related document requirements
  • Write and edit concisely; provide input as it relates to company graphic standards, stylebook

Volume Lead/ Sr Consultant – Cost/Mission Suitability/Past Performance 

  • Assist the Proposal Manager in developing outlines, response matrices, and Proposal Development Worksheets (PDWs) to develop storyboards for the respective volume
  • Assist section writers/subject matter experts (SMEs) in creating proposal storyboards, graphics, and text inputs
  • Lead and direct efforts required to produce the volume as dictated by the RFP and its respective volume requirements
  • Assist in reviewing and editing volume sections as necessary 

Desktop Publisher

  • Assist in establishing and maintaining all electronic proposal files
  • Develop the writers’ guidance for transmission and/or filing of all hard/soft copy proposal text inputs
  • Establish the proposal style(s) template(s) for the printed and soft copy proposal masters
  • Format all proposal text and integrate (with Graphic Specialist assistance) all graphic files to produce iterative hard copy section drafts
  • Integrate, format, and publish Color Team drafts and final versions of the proposal as directed by Production Coordinator
  • Assist in the reproduction and binding/packaging of all proposal versions
  • Produce proposal volume soft copies as required by the customer and/or Client

Graphic Artist

  • Use software standards and transportability for all proposal graphic inputs consistent with the Client’s in-house capability and the Client’s Customer’s requirements
  • Assist Client contributors in developing graphic concepts to strengthen the readability and selling impact of their writing
  • Edit and polish graphics for all proposal contributors; transport final, approved graphics to desktop publishing software formats as required
  • Assist Desktop Publishers in the placement and integration of text and graphic files into Color Team drafts and final proposal master copies
  • Incorporate graphic files into deliverable soft copies as required by the RFP

Proposal Coordinator

  • Assist in the establishment of the proposal facility, hardware, and software
  • Maintain the Storyboard (walls and sections) and control access to the proposal area including sensitive and/or proprietary materials
  • Manage the production of draft and final text and graphics
  • Coordinate the internal flow and review of all proposal inputs and outputs
  • Maintain real-time development status of all proposal text and graphics
  • Direct the production, reproduction, and binding/packaging of Color Team drafts, final master proposal, and all hard/soft copies


  • Validate style, consistency, grammar, and syntax of the final document
  • Re-write as needed to clarify and simplify text or replace poorly written text
  • Provide consistency in capitalization, compound words, lists, and numbers
  • Check in-text references for figures, tables and sections
  • As needed, reduce the text to meet page limitations

Orals Coach

  • Oversee integration of “win strategy” into orals presentation
  • Lead team in creation of presentation outline
  • Facilitate brainstorming sessions for content development
  • Assist with story-boarding the message, including graphics, layout, and branding of the presentation to the customer
  • Establish critical timelines and milestones for oral presentation development
  • Help establish strong introduction, support for main points, and conclusion
  • Help establish presentation team, standards, and roles
  • Conduct personal coaching sessions on presentation style, including verbal and non-verbal messages (voice, eye contact, posture, movement, etc.)
  • Coach for clarity, conciseness, and persuasiveness
  • Facilitate practice sessions and peer-review sessions
  • Rehearse customer questions and discussion topics
  • Help orchestrate oral presentation event—logistics, room set-up, technology, etc.