Why MRM?

Since 1996, MRM consulting services has assisted government contractors and commercial entities in developing winning proposals in response to formal Requests for Proposals.  The proposal procurement size has ranged from 100M to 2B. We provide a flexible process that is adaptable to the size of the response. We provide comprehensive proposal support services ranging from strategy and management to proposal writing, graphics, document formatting, and production.  Outsourcing proposal support services through MRM makes sense.

You can only make a first impression once in the proposal business.

There are no restrictions on staffing so you can hire an entire MRM team or a single specialist – short or long term. We provide you with carefully vetted, experience professionals. MRM provides a blend of seasoned consultants and technology that creates a flexible team-oriented working environment, minimizing overall proposal development cost by fostering remote (virtual) activity as well as face-to-face interaction when necessary (eg. kick-off meeting, strategy sessions, reviews).